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Table 6 Comparison of the response of WBS under different load case.

From: An Experimental Study of Welded Bar Sleeve Wall Panel Connection under Tensile, Shear, and Flexural Loads


Tensile load

Shear load

Flexural load

Stresses acting on the spliced bar

The normal stress is similar in all directions

The normal stress in the region directly in contact with the shear force is higher than the other region

The region directly in contact with the shear force has a slightly higher stress compared with the other region

A high longitudinal stress is generated to prevent the spliced bars from slipping out of the sleeve

The longitudinal stress is at minimal because the pullout force is less likely to occur

A high longitudinal stress is generated in the region directly in contact with the componential shear force to prevent the spliced bars from slipping out of the sleeve

Stressed acting on the welded bar

The normal stress is similar in all directions

The welded bar in the direction of the shear load has a higher normal stress compared with the others

The welded bar in the direction of the componential shear load has a slight higher normal stress compared with the others

A high longitudinal stress is generated to prevent the grout from slipping out of the sleeve

The longitudinal stress is at minimal because the pullout force acting on the grout is less likely to occur

A high longitudinal stress is generated to prevent the grout from slipping out of the sleeve

Pipe sleeve

The transverse tensile stress prevents the deformation of the sleeve. The transverse tensile stress in the sleeve is similar in all directions

A high componential tensile stress is generated in the sleeve in the region opposite to the shear load

A moderate componential tensile stress is generated in the sleeve in the region opposite to the componential shear load

Thus, a low confinement stress is generated to resist the normal stress generated by the spliced bar. Subsequently, it controls the expansion of the grout as a result of splitting cracks

A high confinement stress is generated in the opposite of the shear load to counter react it

A moderate confinement stress is generated in the opposite of the componential shear load to counter it

Propagation of splitting cracks

The splitting cracks propagate at about the same rate in all directions

The splitting cracks propagate faster along with the shear load

The splitting cracks propagate slightly faster along with the componential shear load

Bar deformation

Bar elongates and displacement longitudinally

Bar deforms and bends towards the direction of the shear force

The bar elongates longitudinally and displaces laterally in the direction of the componential shear load